Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Quiet Success

There's lots of good news about SynApp2. Things are happening. The program is steadily evolving along with documentation, examples and videos. A SourceForge project has been established and a wiki is taking shape. It's remarkable how much has been done.

So far, I've been wearing all of the hats. Collaboration happens, but mostly through Q & A exchanges. It all seems to transpire quietly in the background. As more people become involved, there will hopefully be more online discussion. Nevertheless, excellent feedback is being provided and has resulted in valuable functionality being developed and incorporated.

Throughout 2010, practical capabilities were added to SynApp2. Each new thing was designed and implemented in a general, reusable way. Features to manage images and documents were quickly and easily incorporated. Even though changes were added to support specific customer projects, everything was done in a way that anyone can use. So, not only were the customer requirements satisfied, but also the framework was extended.

All of the customer solutions and the SynApp2 enhancements were delivered very quickly. That speaks to the effectiveness of the underlying software design and implementation.

Over and over again, SynApp2 has proven to be powerful and extensible. Features like user authentication and login are neatly integrated with customizable control over access to program features and data. That makes precisely managed collaboration, not only possible, but almost effortless to deploy and maintain.

One way or another, the well kept secret is going to leak out. SynApp2 is cool.